- Today, the children of our country face a more challenging and competitive environment. So, it
becomes imperative to balance academic rigour, co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities
for the overall development of a student. The most important process to attain this goal is to pursue a
value based education system. This method involves tending to the emotional, physical, social and
cultural needs of every student.
We understand the importance of emotional stability for the healthy growth of a child. So, we interact
and build a rapport with each child individually, and encourage them to develop self-confidence and
‘out-of- the-box’ thought process. We allow every student to thrive as they work towards achieving their
best performance. Even though we set high expectations from our students, we work hard to safe-guard
the positive environment of our school.
We also believe in preaching a never-say- die attitude and endorsing the spirit of perseverance to not
only make each child a good student, but also to shape them into brilliant human beings. Our school will
continue to provide each student a great platform for holistic learning as well as an excellent
environment to foster the required skills to become a professional, leader, educationist or an artist in
their future.
May God bless our School to reach new heights and move from strength to strength.
It is my belief that the mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled and as such it is important to create a learning
environment wherein children not merely absorb information that is given to them but they are able to interpret the same and
apply it to their surroundings and activities.
JRMS was established with this singular view of providing the child a balanced learning environment inculcating educational
curricula, experiential learning through field trips and learning through peers. This activity coupled with the unequivocal
individual attention to children makes their development more wholesome.
The child is at the centre of ours and the parent’s universe and it is our belief that whatever we do should be oriented towards
enriching the child’s life and aid him/her on their Journey towards Excellence.
Sincerely - Mrs. Lamjahoi Touthang